Date: Tue, 18 Jan 94 04:30:02 PST From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group Errors-To: TCP-Group-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: TCP-Group Digest V94 #14 To: tcp-group-digest TCP-Group Digest Tue, 18 Jan 94 Volume 94 : Issue 14 Today's Topics: 9600b settings More Wampes & Ethernet TNC 3 TNOS for dial-up TNOS Missing Function (4 msgs) Send Replies or notes for publication to: . Subscription requests to . Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 06:20:27 CST From: Jack Snodgrass Subject: 9600b settings To: tcp-group mailling list I've just got a 9600b link going between my home station and another PC. I'm going to put one of the 9600b radios on our local gateway. I've got a couple of questions. 1). Anyone have a simplex, 2 mtr freq that they're using for 9600b? Suggestions will be appreciated. I'm looking for a clear spot in the 145.50 - 145.80 range. We're using 145.67 for 1200b TCP/IP. 2). What settings ( TCP, AX.25, and PARAM ) settings should I use? I'm using a TNC-2 clone with a PacCom, 9600b modem. I haven't upgraded the TNC to a 10mhz version, but I'll do that at some point in the near future. I played with some setting and got a FTP transfer of a 6K file to go a 240cps. I get 50cps with 1200b so I was expecting something like 400 - 500cps with 9600. Any 9600b pointers would be appreciated. 73's de Jack - kf5mg Internet - - AX25net - kf5mg@kf5mg.#dfw.tx.usa.noam - home (817) 488-4386 Dialup - - work (looking for) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Jan 94 11:46:20 MET From: Subject: More Wampes & Ethernet To: Dieter Deyke said to me "WAMPES wil NOT talk directly to the ethernet interface card, this is the job of the UNIX networking kernel". I know it Dieter. When i run WAMPES on a RISC 6000 machine and do "ifconfig" command the "en0" (ethernet card) don't apear. SO what's happen?? How to configure the WAMPES program to reconize the ethernet card? May be with the command "start tcpgate ..." as say Brandon S. Allbery. Yes i have de aix tcp/ip run. Or using AIX device drivers ... where can i get it? Or may WAMPES can not be a gateway to internet-packet radio (listening ethernet card & packet radio). I've got a gateway internet<->packet radio (on prove) using WNOS on a PC, i would like to use the UNIX's power to this gateway running WAMPES but i have problems ... Thanks a lot. Curro eb3aod e-mail : packet : ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 12:07:12 MST From: (Bob Nielsen) Subject: TNC 3 To: There have been several messages recently regarding a "TNC 3". I have actually seen reference to two devices under this name. The first was a prototype built by NJ7P and N7LEM, which was demonstrated at the 1993 TAPR annual meeting. This was built to demonstrate a revision to the AX.25 protocol. The other device referred to as TNC 3 appeared in an article in TAPR's Packet Status Register (PSR) in the Fall, 1993 issue. This is a MC68302-based design by DG8GAD and DL1GJI, which is available from SYMEK GmbH, Johannes-Kraemer-Str 34, D-7000 Stuttgart 70, GERMANY. ------------------ Bob Nielsen, W6SWE Internet: Tucson, AZ AX.25: Amateur IP: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 20:39:00 -0000 From: (Mike Bilow) Subject: TNOS for dial-up To: Cc: TNOS files are posted for download at N1BEE BBS, +1 401 944 8498. Modem speeds to 14400 bps V.32bis and 16800 bps HST are supported. These files are also file requestable over Fidonet from 1:323/107. On-line help for TNOS100A.EXE On-line help for TNOS100B.EXE tnos100a.exe TNOS 940116v1.00(large) from Brian Lantz, KO4KS tnos100b.exe TNOS 940116v1.00(small) from Brian Lantz, KO4KS TNOS 940116v1.00 docs TNOS 940116v1.00 support programs TNOS 940116v1.00 source You need 'd' and 'e,' and either the 'a' set or the 'b' set. -- Mike ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jan 1994 10:04:26 -0600 (CST) From: (Steve Sampson) Subject: TNOS Missing Function To: Just a quick note about the TNOS upload to ucsd. System: BC++ 2.0 Memory: 622k Error: Not enough memory to compile mailbox.c Fix: Split mailbox.c into mailbox.c and dosend.c add dosend.c to and makefile. Error: TASM under BC++ 2.0 can't do USE16 Fix: Change to ".MODEL LARGE,C" Error: fingerd.c won't compile if SCREENSAVER undefined. Fix: Change SCREENSAVER on line 19 to TUTOR Error: Missing function _dos_getfileattr() for MS-DOS in main.c reqsvr.c and mailbox2.c Fix: gave up at this point, can't compile as distributed, missing function. --- 73, Steve N5OWK ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 14:49:37 CST From: (Michael H. Foster) Subject: TNOS Missing Function To: ----- Begin Included Message ----- >From owner-tcp-group@UCSD.EDU Mon Jan 17 14:28:08 1994 Sender: tcp-group-relay@UCSD.EDU Subject: TNOS Missing Function To: Steve, N5OWK writes: Fix: gave up at this point, can't compile as distributed, missing function. > --- Is there any kind of minimum requirements for this stuff? Do we need 486dx-66 with lots of memory to compile and run it if one could get by the missing function? -Mike, wa5txx ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 18:55:37 CST From: Jack Snodgrass Subject: TNOS Missing Function To: Steve - n5owk writes: > Just a quick note about the TNOS upload to ucsd. > > System: BC++ 2.0 Maybe I've got my versions mixed up, but isn't BC++ 2.0 really out of date? I thought that BC++ 3.1 was the prefered version. > Memory: 622k > Error: Not enough memory to compile mailbox.c Are you running make with the -s option to take MAKE out of storage? That might do the trick. Also check out the 'x' versions of the compiler and see if you can run with EMS storage. 73's de Jack - kf5mg Internet - - AX25net - kf5mg@kf5mg.#dfw.tx.usa.noam - home (817) 488-4386 Dialup - - work (looking for) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jan 94 20:46:57 EST From: (Ron Atkinson N8FOW) Subject: TNOS Missing Function To: So far I can get the default config.h that comes with it to compile. Every other combination that I have tried (like one's that I NEED) usually get errors in the convers and mailbox sources. Looks like it's going to take a while to get the source to compile with the many different configurations that everyone runs. JNOS was like this a while back too. Ron N8FOW ------------------------------ End of TCP-Group Digest V94 #14 ******************************